The 8th edition
of the Raw Materials Week

13-17 November 2023

November 13


Opening of the Raw Materials Week by Ms. Kerstin Jorna
Director-General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
Onsite only

Welcome address by Ms. Kerstin Jorna, Director-General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

Speakers: Ms. Kerstin Jorna

10:00 - 17:30

EU Raw Materials R&I Day
Co-organised with HADEA and CINEA.
Onsite only

The event will cover R&I priorities in raw materials for 2025-2030, open funding opportunities for R&I projects in Raw Materials, Horizon Technology Success Stories and the EU Innovation Fund.

Please find the agenda here

11:00 - 12:30

Idea Factory: Exploring Future Scenarios for Critical Raw Materials
Co-organised with IRTC project.
Versailles Room
Onsite only

The “Idea Factory” collaborative workshop should stimulate innovative thinking and collective brainstorming around future scenarios related to critical raw materials. The aim is to inform and shape our understanding of the interactions between raw materials and (geo-)politics, society, technology, environment, etc. and vice versa, and develop many-faceted mid-century scenarios.

14:00 - 15:30

CANCELLED // Developing strategic partnerships on sustainable raw materials value chains between the EU and LATAM
Onsite only


14:00 - 17:45

Promoting raw materials exploration in the EU
Versailles Room
Onsite only

This event will focus on good practices for the exploration of raw materials, public exploration programmes and how can they contribute to stimulate investments in exploration in support of the CRM Act. Speakers will answer questions such as: What is the status of mineral exploration programmes in their country? How can the public exploration programmes be improved? What is the best approach to use exploration results to attract and de-risk private investments?

Please find the agenda here

November 14

09:30 - 17:30

6th EU Critical Raw Materials Event “Challenges and solutions in supply risk monitoring and mitigation”
co-organised with SCRREEN and IRTC projects.
Onsite only

The event co-organised with SCRREEN and IRTC projects will focus on the Monitoring and risk mitigation part of the CRM Act. Sessions will cover the results of the EU criticality assessment and other practices and outcomes; Evolving ambitions towards real time monitoring and early warning systems; Stockpiling and joint purchasing practices and Stress testing.

Please find the agenda here

09:00 - 13:00

EU-Africa event
Event co-organised with DG INTPA and Africa MaVal project.
Versailles Room
Onsite only

The event is organized in partnership with the EU funded project Africa MaVal.

The event will gather representatives from the European Union, some of its strategic partners, financial institutions and the private sector. It will create a space for dialogue to identify practical ways of supporting the ambitions to promote investments in Africa, develop processing capacities and derive value locally from Africa’s natural resources. The event will showcase opportunities for building EU-Africa sustainable raw materials value chains and will explore the available tools to establish such partnership, including the sustainable finance mechanisms made available under the EU’s Global Gateway strategy.

Please find the agenda here

14:00 - 16:00

EU – KAZAKHSTAN Business Forum
Onsite only

Companies will present and discuss business opportunities in the Raw Materials domain.

Please find the agenda here

Workshop on the Strategic R&I Agenda for the Co-funded Partnership Raw materials for Europe Co-organised with ERA-MIN3
Versailles Room
Onsite only

To realize the green and digital transition, Europe needs to secure resilient and sustainable raw material value chains. The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) within the Partnership on Raw Materials aims to highlight the important advances within technical and social innovation that are needed to reach the ambitious goals of the European Union. The SRIA process is chaired by ERA-MIN and co-created with the research and innovation community.

Through a series of workshops, actors within the system have been able to present their view on the challenges and give concrete input to different parts of the agenda. This workshop aims to give feedback to the actions and key performance indicators of the Partnership. The session will start with a series of presentations on the background to the initiative, as well as the process so far. The second part invites participants to actively join in the co-creation process through a physical workshop focused on the actions and implementation of the potential Partnership.

Please find the agenda here


Networking cocktail
Onsite only


November 15

10:00 - 17:30

10th annual High-Level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials “Critical Raw Materials Act – Ready to go”.
Co-organised with EUMICON

The event co-organised with EUMICON will address some of the key issues of the CRM Act.

Session will cover the challenges for securing sustainable supply of Critical Raw Materials for Europe’s industry.

  • Understanding and discussing Critical Raw Materials Act and how it changes to a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials.
  • The concept of permits process at national level for state of play on the implementation of projects.
  • Securing competitive prices on the energy supply reducing the dependencies and increasing the investment source.
  • Increasing the resilience, enabling new policies to a green transition and securing the access of raw materials fostering a strategic autonomy.
  • Investing in and developing strategic projects in CRM domain in Europe.
  • Strategic partnership on raw materials, batteries, and green hydrogen with Kazakhstan.
  • Strategic partnership on raw materials and batteries with Ukraine.

Please find the agenda here


Networking cocktail
Onsite only

November 16

10:00 - 17:30

Sustainable raw materials value chains in the EU CRM Act
Onsite only

The event will address aspects covered by the Critical Raw Materials Act, such as streamlining permitting procedures (best practices and solutions in the EU and in other partner countries), environmental, social and governance standards, and how to improve the recovery and recycling of CRMs.

Please find the agenda here

09:30 - 12:30

Analysis In Support of Strategic Value Chains
Co-organised with DG JRC.
Onsite only

The knowledge-oriented event co-organised with JRC will showcase the EU foresight work and discuss different approaches to foresight, and monitoring work, particularly mapping raw material value chains.

Please find the agenda here

09:30 - 17:30

Developing permanent magnets value chain
Co-organised with SUSMAGPRO project, ERMA and REIA
Versailles Room
Onsite only

The event is co-organised with SUSMAGPRO project, ERMA and REIA. The session will cover good practices in smart regulations to establish a sustainable Circular Economy of rare earths, investment in the rare earths magnets value chain, and securing and diversifying supply of rare earths.

Please find the agenda here

14:00 - 17:30

6th Event on the United Nations Framework Classification for Resources and the United Nations Resource Management
Co-organised with UNECE, and GSEU and FutuRaM projects
Onsite only

The event co-organised with UNECE, and GSEU and FutuRaM projects will address the progress, updates, and practical application of the UNFC in supporting the proposed EU CRM-Act proposal. The event will look first into the policy and regulations aspects of UNFC, followed by technical details and developments on UNFC with regards to the CRM-Act proposal.

Please find the agenda here