The 8th edition
of the Raw Materials Week

13-17 November 2023

Live Session

November 15 | 10:00 - 17:30
10th annual High-Level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials “Critical Raw Materials Act – Ready to go”.
Co-organised with EUMICON

The event co-organised with EUMICON will address some of the key issues of the CRM Act.

Session will cover the challenges for securing sustainable supply of Critical Raw Materials for Europe’s industry.

  • Understanding and discussing Critical Raw Materials Act and how it changes to a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials.
  • The concept of permits process at national level for state of play on the implementation of projects.
  • Securing competitive prices on the energy supply reducing the dependencies and increasing the investment source.
  • Increasing the resilience, enabling new policies to a green transition and securing the access of raw materials fostering a strategic autonomy.
  • Investing in and developing strategic projects in CRM domain in Europe.
  • Strategic partnership on raw materials, batteries, and green hydrogen with Kazakhstan.
  • Strategic partnership on raw materials and batteries with Ukraine.

Please find the agenda here