The 8th edition
of the Raw Materials Week

13-17 November 2023


The Raw Materials Week is an annual event organised by the European Commission. It gathers a wide range of stakeholders discussing policies and initiatives in the field of raw material, providing an overview of ongoing EU activities in this sector.

The Raw Materials Week 2023 will take place from 13 to 17 November 2023 in Brussels. This Week gathering a wide range of stakeholders will be centred around the European Critical Raw Materials Act and cover topics related to critical and strategic raw materials, strategic projects, investment, permitting, exploration, innovation, circularity, international partnerships etc.

The 10th annual High-Level Conference of the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on raw materials, co-organised with Eumicon on Wednesday 15 November will cover the topics as raw materials for energy transition, investment, strategic projects, strategic partnerships.


Le Plaza Hotel Brussels
Bld Adolphe Max 118-126
1000 Brussels, Belgium

Satellite Events

If you wish to advertise your event on our website, please send us the title of the event, abstract and contact/website for registration to

Please be aware that no side event will be acknowledged in parallel to the High Level Conference on Wednesday, 15 November.

(More events are coming)


In case of content questions please contact:

In case of logistical questions please contact:

Organisational team: Milan Grohol, Juulia Karvali, Gabriel Nievoll, Soraia Rocha Martins