The 8th edition
of the Raw Materials Week

13-17 November 2023

Satellite Events

The European Commission is not responsible for satellite events.

13 November 2023

Missing links in the EU CRMA legislation: Nature, Indigenous Peoples rights, and Future Generations
Le Plaza Hotel, Marie Henriette Room, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The European Union's energy transition ambitions weave a complex tapestry with domestic mineral resources and those of mineral-rich countries to ensure the necessary supply of minerals. The transition is a globally shared dream, but the dream of Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society involves global justice, a systemic approach, and the recognition of our planetary boundaries.

A number of loose threads are present as this tapestry is being woven. The topic of our conversation is Indigenous Peoples’ rights, the environment, and intergenerational justice in relation to mining projects. The panel argues that these threads are structural to weaving a just and sustainable transition. In fact, with more than half of Energy Transition projects on Indigenous Peoples’ lands, weak FPIC protocols in mining companies, including those in the battery mineral sector, and growing amounts of mining waste, these loose ends can make or break the Green Transition dream.
This panel will bring together Indigenous Peoples and Civil Society representatives from Europe and Latin America and it will host the presentation of two relevant studies. The recently released OXFAM’s analysis "Recharging Community Consent" focusing on several intersecting issues related to human rights due diligence, gender justice,the protection of human rights defenders and free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC) in the battery mining sector; and the new report from the European Environmental Bureau about Mining for the Green Transition illustrating impacts on the ground with global and regional cases. The panel will discuss these studies and look for ways to accommodate these loose threads in the tapestry to make the Energy Transition a fair and sustainable process.

Organiser: OXFAM, , European Environmental Bureau , Cultural Survival / SIRGE Coalition / EU Raw Materials Coalition

The weak link in ESG - addressing corruption in mineral supply chains
Le Plaza Hotel, Marie Henriette Room, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

In recent years, the world of business has shown a growing concern towards Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues, and the critical minerals sector makes no exception. However, while a number of measures have been envisaged in order to tackle environmental and human rights concerns, progress in addressing corruption in mineral supply chains seems to proceed at a slower pace. Failing to include corruption in the ESG conversation heavily contributes to making mineral supply chains more unstable and volatile, it represents a reputational risk for consumer-facing companies, and it feeds poverty in sourcing countries, exacerbating the divide between the Global North and South.

This panel discussion will gather representatives from the EU, international organizations, NGOs and civil society from sourcing countries, in order to illustrate the importance of tackling corruption in the supply chains of raw materials, to take stock of what has been done already, and to explore possibilities to fill the existing gaps.

Organisers: Resource Matters , Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI) , EU Raw Materials Coalition

Raw Material Observatories in 2023: important developments and 2024 outlook
16:30 (walk-in), start presentation 17:15, drinks starting at 18:00
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Av. du Boulevard 17, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, room “Skeikampen”
CONTACT DETAILS: Elmer Rietveld,

The CRM Act results in new requirements for the services provided by European geological surveys. The Act aims to create engagement with Member States on a regular basis, especially as regards the provisions on monitoring and data governance. These new responsibilities are expected to take place in “observatories”: agencies (either new or within existing geological surveys) designated to execute tasks defined in the CRM Act. But how do we see these tasks specifically? At this satellite event, we will discuss the views on the CRM text and give updates on developments within member states. No registration required.

Launch of Global Map on Rare Earth Elements: impacts and conflicts - The Green and Digital Transition’s challenges
13/11/23, 16:00-18:00
Marie Henriette Room, La Plaza Hotel, Adolphe Maxlaan 118/126, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
CONTACT DETAILS: Clàudia Custodio,

Demand for critical minerals is expected to soar in the context of the energy transition and decarbonisation in the coming years. Rare Earth Elements are listed as critical minerals by the European Union (EU) and the United States, among others. In this session we will present an international mapping initiative that has documented sensitive socio-environmental conflicts related to theexpansion of Rare Earths Elements (REEs) commodity chains (extraction, processing, recycling…) across the globe. The map documents about 30 cases of socio-environmental mobilization in Australia, Chile, Brazil, Madagascar, Malaysia, Myanmar, Finland, India, Spain, Sweden, among other countries. We discuss the implications of the documented impacts and conflicts for affected communities and Green and Digital Transition agendas. We will also discuss with voices from affected communities and a political representative.

The Debt Observatory in Globalisation, the EJAtlas, The Institute for Policy Studies and CRAAi-OD, as part of the Global Rare Earths Element Network, in collaboration with researchers, grassroots and organizations have developed this featured map of socio-environmental conflicts related to the supply chain of Rare Earth Elements.

Organisers: Debt Observatory in Globalisation, EJAtlas, EU Raw Materials Coalition

14 November 2023

Striking a balance between economic, ecological and social interests - How could a modern EU raw materials policy be designed?
14 November 2023, 8:00-9:30
Members Salon, European Parliament, Brussels
CONTACT DETAILS: Tobias Schäfer | Leiter Europabüro | Chemikalienpolitik Head of European Office | Chemicals Policy |

Current crises and an increased relevance of supply security and independence have put the issue of a resilient EU raw materials supply on the political agenda. Existing structural dependencies in raw material imports are now to be dismantled or reduced - as demanded by the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) and the German government's national security strategy. In terms of a fair and sustainable design of new domestic industrial projects and new international raw material cooperations or partnerships, a number of important parameters must be taken into account. In this area of tension, competitiveness, human rights and environmental protection must be of equal importance and complement rather than impede each other.

Within the framework of the Raw Materials Week, which will take place from 13-17 November 2023 in Brussels, we invite you to our stakeholder breakfast debate in the European Parliament, hosted by MEP Matthias Ecke (S&D). Together with civil society actors, industry representatives and policymakers, we want to discuss the following key question:

If you are interested in participating in the event, please send an Email to Lilly Golz (

The future of mining in Europe – Minimising the environmental footprint through breakthrough technological innovations
14 November - 09:30-12:30
Brussels, Belgium

The primary objective of the EU-funded ROBOMINERS project is to facilitate the extraction of mineral resources, including strategically important metals crucial for the ongoing energy transition, from domestic sources within the European Union. To achieve this goal, ROBOMINERS is developing a bio-inspired robot specifically designed for mining deposits that are challenging to access or relatively small in scale. 

The project is coming to an end and will present its main outcomes during the EU Raw Materials Week 2023. The event will also offer the opportunity to discuss the technological future of mining in Europe. Representatives of other EU-funded projects will debate the most promising technological developments allowing the sector to minimise the environmental impact of mineral extraction while highlighting the importance of EU research in this area.

EU Mining Regional Innovation Ecosystems to Support the Green Transition and Secure Mineral Raw Materials Supply to the EU Industry and Society - OECD and Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnership on Mining
14 November - 09:30-12:30
Belgium, Brussels
CONTACT DETAILS: Kristiina Jokelainen,

The European Commission supports the responsible use of raw materials. Strengthening the EU’s critical raw materials capacities along all value chain stages must be better coordinated to ensure that the EU will reach its strategic autonomy and green transition objectives. To this end, it is essential to create synergies among regional, national, and European policymaking and funding to help overcome internal and external barriers and turn the EU a climate-neutral economy. European mining and metallurgical regions play a critical role in improving the conditions for sustainable access and supply of raw materials needed for the green transition. 

In this regard, we will organise the workshop during the Raw Material Week and invite European mining and metallurgical regions’ authorities, mining innovation ecosystems actors, European Commission, and interregional network representatives to discuss “How to collaborate in the regional and interregional context to enhance the responsible raw materials production in Europe?” 

LOCOMOTION: Modelling for a Different Raw Materials Approach - Copper Supply: Scenarios and Solutions
14/11/23, 14:00-16:00
Hitchcock Auditorium, Hotel Marivaux, Boulevard Adolphe Max 98, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

For decades, our economies rely ever more deeply on the rapid exchange of materials at low prices, coupled with permanently present expectations of future supply growth. This on its own terms unsustainable model, based on supply chain predictability and stability, does not change gradually. It has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia's invasion, and disruptions from fast escalating climate impacts that are only starting to unfold. The energy transition is imperative, but also highly material-intensive. As Europe strives to reduce its dependence on Russia, domestic demand for critical raw materials is poised to soar. If supply and demand in the value chain of copper are left completely unchecked, chaos and conflict could prevail. So how can industry adapt, governments plan, scientists advice and citizens engage in all this? This is the subject of this event, with copper as a case in point.

The H2020 project LOCOMOTION (Low-carbon society: an enhanced modeling tool for the transition to sustainability) has developed scientific models to assess the impact of various raw material scenarios, including one aligned with the European Green Deal. This event seeks to explore the complexity of multiple crises and gain insights from LOCOMOTION's new integrated assessment model (IAM).

Organiser: European Environmental Bureau,, EU Raw Materials Coalition,

CRMR State of Play: Putting Human Rights and the Environment at the Heart of the EU's Critical Raw Materials Strategy
14/11/23, 10:00-12:00
Hitchcock Auditorium, Hotel Marivaux, Boulevard Adolphe Max 98, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

The Critical Raw Materials Regulation (CRMR) plays a pivotal role in shaping the European Union's approach to critical raw materials. This panel discussion provides an update on the CRMR's progress, highlighting key issues and needs. It delves into critical aspects such as fast-tracking procedures, permitting, certifications, and the overarching importance of incorporating human rights and environmental considerations into the CRMR, as well as putting circularity and recycling at the core of EU’s new strategy. Join us to explore the state of play and future directions for a sustainable and responsible CRMR with various stakeholders. 

Organiser: EU Raw Materials Coalition,

Shaping the Future: pathways to net-zero aluminium Made in Europe
14 November 2023, 11:00-12:30

Thanks to its properties, aluminium is a recognised strategic material for the transition to a fully decarbonised economy, as an essential component to a wide range of crucial applications. On the other hand, its production is energy-intensive and hard-to-abate, hence decarbonising the production processes represents not only a commitment to climate change stewardship, but also a strategic imperative for the long-term viability and competitiveness of the sector as a whole.
From policy to innovation, this session will unveil the results of our European decarbonisation pathways study, which show that is possible to decarbonise in a context of increasing demand, but will require ambitious action from market actors in addition to decisive leadership from policymakers, to ensure that the necessary enabling conditions are timely and completely in place.

Made in Europe raw materials: challenges and sustainable advancements. The AlSiCal EU project case
14 November 23, 14:00-17:30
DoubleTree Brussels Hilton Hotel (hybrid event)
CONTACT DETAILS: Francesca Boscolo, & Andrea Mangel,

AlSiCal aims to co-produce three crucial raw materials: alumina, silica, and precipitated calcium carbonate. The workshop will emphasize the primary accomplishment of substantiating the concept’s feasibility, propelling it towards higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs). Specifically, the workshop will:

  • Provide an overview of new technologies and challenges related to the minerals and metals industry, in particular those related to AlSiCal´s products (alumina/aluminium, silica/silicon and calcium carbonate value chains).
  • Position AlSiCal technology as a supplementary route to the existing alumina value chain. We will address the challenges of turning an unexploited domestic ore (anorthosite) into a resource for the alternative alumina production and boost symbiotic value chains cross sectorally.
  • Discuss different perspectives related to sustainability, stewardship, R&D situation and needs in the minerals industry as well as challenges and roadmap for raw materials essential for the EU green transition.
  • Foster future synergies with academia and industry.

This event is organised by European Aluminium and PNO with the support of Institute for Energy Technology (IFE). This event if free of charge.

Mine The Gap Final event and Future Eurocluster on raw materials: Boosting SMEs and technology towards sustainable mining
14 November 2023, 14:00-18:00
CONTACT DETAILS: Santiago Cuesta-Lopez,

MINE.THE.GAP brings together SMEs from the raw materials and mining sector with companies that have solutions for a more digital, greener, and circular mining value chain. Through open calls and support services, MINE.THE.GAP makes business ideas a reality.

MINE.THE.GAP offers business services to the projects funded through the voucher scheme. They will help the companies to enhance their innovation capacities, promote technology transfer and commercialisation, and support their internationalisation activities. These services are structured into three business hubs that are available over and after the project.

The project has founded SMEs to bring their technologies into the market in order to solve the top ten challenges of sustainable mining, making the supply of raw materials more environmentally friendly and promoting sustainable practices as well as circular economy processes. The success of Mine The Gap has been the creation of a cooperative de platform for the business and technology market in sustainable mining, the implementation of several innovation ecosystems in raw materials across EU mining regions and the generation of the seed for a new Eurocluster in raw materials aligned with the challenges and objectives launched in the Raw Materials act.

Responsible Sourcing and Traceability of CRM
14 November - 14:00-18:00
Brussels, Belgium, Hotel Le Plaza


The International Raw Materials Observatory is joining forces with the European Federation of Geologists (EFG) and the Initiative on Forensic Geology (IFG), an initiative of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), to organise a workshop on the emerging scientific field of traceability of Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) on 14 November 2023, 14:00-18:00 CET, in Brussels

The workshop entitled Responsible Sourcing and Traceability of CRM will be organised as a side event of the EU Raw Materials Week 2023. 

 About the workshop 

Civilisation would not exist as we know it without the mineral resource upon which it relies. The future demand for critical geological raw materials is likely to increase significantly into the future. These materials include base metals, rare earth elements, platinum group metals (PGM), and certain metals such as cobalt, tungsten, tantalum and tin (3Ts) that mainly originate in areas of armed conflict. Their demand is driven by the need of new and alternative energy conversion technologies for the ‘Green Transition’, for information technology, and for the necessary infrastructure around the world. However, unfortunately, criminal activities may be often present in the supply-webs of these mineral raw materials. The respective beneficiaries are often well-organised syndicates, criminal gangs, cartels, or even terrorist groups. 

The objective of this workshop is to provide an overview of how geologists, working together with international law enforcement, have an increasing role to help detect and deter crimes such as falsified documents of origin, theft, extortion, fakery, substitution, adulteration, and other fraud. Methods for provenance determination (predictive geolocation) and traceability are also presented to verify that such critical raw materials are responsibly sourced. 


  • Dr. Laurance Donnely, IUGS-IFG 
  • Dr. Fabiana Di Lorenzo, RMI 
  • Mr. Jean-Claude Gillienau, BRGM 
  • Dr. Christopher Keane, AGI 
  • Dr. Alex Graf, Kumi Consulting and RE-SOURCING 
  • Prof Marko Komac, INTRAW & EFG 


Registration is free but please complete the following form to save your spot:

Strategic Partnerships and Raw Materials: Securing Just and Sustainable Partnerships in the Context of a Growing CRM Demand
14/11/23, 16:00-18:00
Hitchcock Auditorium, Hotel Marivaux, Boulevard Adolphe Max 98, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

With the global demand for critical raw materials (CRMs) on the rise, it's crucial to seek globally sustainable and fair solutions. The EU Commission is currently expanding strategic partnerships in order for securing access to CRMs for the defense sector and to support green and digital transitions. This panel discussion will explore the significance and shortcomings of such partnerships and trade relations, and discuss if environmental sustainability and respecting the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples can be maintained by this approach. Moreover, we will discuss the conditions necessary for strong, mutually beneficial international partnerships together with civil society representatives from (potential) partner countries. These requirements encompass aspects like local value addition, technology transfer, finance and respect of human rights and environmental laws. 

Organiser: EU Raw Materials Coalition,

CANCELLED | The environmental and human impacts of raw material extraction: Lithium in the High Andes, Argentina
14/11/23, 18:00-18:45
Hitchcock Auditorium, Hotel Marivaux, Boulevard Adolphe Max 98, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
CONTACT DETAILS: Lea Appulo, | Marius Troost,


16 November 2023

Blockchain and a New Era for the Value Chain from Cobalt in DRC to Electric Batteries Plants
16 November 2023, 9:00-10:00
Online only
CONTACT DETAILS: European Blockchain Observatory and Forum : Alliance for Responsible Mining : Minespider : Xceed project : Dunia Bora Foundation :

There are 40 electric batteries giga factories projects in Europe. The EU is designing a
“digital product passport”, component of the Green deal and is launching a “Blockchain
Batteries” initiative in the framework of Trace4EU. The EU’s Corporate Sustainability
Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to report on their efforts to be sustainable
and their impact on people and the environment. The access to the strategic raw
materials and the credibility of the European initiatives above will depend to what extent
a transparent win-win trade where the industry develops and pay for the raw materials
at their fair price is secured and new partnerships are developed.

At a time of shift in global balances, and while the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia
and the USA have signed a MoU to build electric batteries plans in Africa, this side event
intends to explore a digital strategy on responsible sourcing of Cobalt, Coltan and Lithium
in East DRC based on a paradigm shift, developing a blockchain eco-system for new
economic development potential with and in the DRC and for global sustainable trade
facilitation while addressing the digital divide between countries.

For the EU High Representative Josep Borrell in a world of increasing geopolitical complexity
digital technologies can shift the balance of power and, as such must become a critically important
component of the EU’s foreign policy. This blockchain strategy should aim to have a strong
market structuring power while China controls 80% of the cobalt production in DRC.

In order to participate to this event, please send an e-mail to

The Building Blocks for Europe’s Future
16 November 2023, 9:30-12:30
DoubleTree Hilton Hotel, Brussels
CONTACT DETAILS: Tristan Suffys,

As part of the EU Raw Materials Week, Eurogypsum is hosting an event dedicated to the secured supply of raw materials essential to the European Green Deal, which will take place in Brussels on 16 November 2023, from 9.30 to 12.30 hrs.

The aim of this event is to look into today’s supplies of materials that are essential for the green transition, the opportunities and challenges facing Europe over the coming decades, as well as how policymakers, the raw materials industry and other stakeholders can contribute to a safe and sustainable supply of essential raw materials.

The battery passport as an enabler for sustainable and transparent supply chains
16 November 2023, 10:00-12:00
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) - 1 Place du Congrès, Brussels
CONTACT DETAILS: Monica Alessi, Email:, Tel: +32472721868

The limited exchange of information across supply chain actors is considered to be among the key stumbling blocks to more sustainable, transparent and circular value chains. A central digital and policy tool that is expected to revolutionise the way product-related data is collected and shared across supply chains is the digital product passport (DPP). Batteries are first product group for which the use of a DPP will be a legal requirement as of 2027, through the recently adopted Battery Regulation. The objective of this event is to discuss the opportunities and challenges arising from the new EU DPP requirements. Drawing on lessons from existing pilot battery passport cases, the event will discuss policy options for further boosting the capabilities and implementation of the battery passport. The event is organised in the context of the BATRAW EU-funded project.

6th European Gypsum Recyclers Forum
16 November 2023, 13:30-17:00
Belgium, Brussels, DoubleTree Hilton Hotel
CONTACT DETAILS: Tristan Suffys,

Eurogypsum is delighted to invite you to the 6th Edition of the European Gypsum Recyclers Forum, which will take place on 16th November 2023 in Brussels, from 13.30 to 17.00 hrs, as part of the Eurogypsum Day at EU Raw Materials Week.

The European gypsum industry is particularly committed to sustainability in the supply of raw materials to produce solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s buildings. With expected demand rises in building renovation and construction, as well as increased pressure on supply, circular industrial practices are of utmost importance.

The event aims to being together specialists along the gypsum recycling supply chain, to review progress and work together to overcome obstacles along this path.

For this year’s edition of the Recyclers’ Forum, which is part of the EU Raw Materials Week, we look forward to discussing:

  • latest regulatory developments, at EU and national level, and their impact on promoting circular practices;
  • industry efforts to increase volumes of recyclable gypsum waste and encourage closed-loop recycling; and
  • technological and economic challenges to a fully circular model.

And for the first time, the European Gypsum Recyclers Forum will have an intercontinental perspective, with an outlook on gypsum recycling in North America, with the participation of the US-based Gypsum Association.

Materials for Batteries Cluster Annual Meeting
16 November 2023, 13:30-18:00
Brussels, Belgium, Paola Room
CONTACT DETAILS: Sam Hoefman (RELiEF Project), Anish Patil (RELiEF Project), Marco Lopes (RAWMINA Project), Anna Kritikaki (ENICON / EXCEED Projects), Eleftherios Doitsidis (ENICON / EXCEED Projects),

The Cluster Hub “Production of raw materials for batteries from European resources” is a knowledge exchange ecosystem, where partners involved in different European projects (private companies, support organisations, experts, universities and research institutes) can identify and discuss common topics related to their projects, and to the production of materials for batteries, as well as synergies that can foster innovations in this field.

The initiative to establish a permanent clustering hub appeared first in November 2022, during the 7th edition of the Raw Materials Week, when eight EU-funded projects gathered together for the workshop with the same name: “Production of raw materials for batteries from European sources”. Encouraged by a first successful event, and echoed by the stakeholders’ vivid interest for collaboration, the European Commission welcomed with enthusiasm the proposal to establish a permanent Clustering Hub.

This year's annual meeting will allow all representatives (12 projects today) to share the preliminary results of their work, address the remaining challenges that all projects face and actively interact with external stakeholders actively interested in the issues and opportunities raised by these projects.

Mining in Europe - Understanding the drivers of social acceptance
16/11/23, 14:00-15:30
Marivaux Hotel, Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan, 98

Rio Tinto and Anglo American are delighted to invite you to a side event at Raw Materials Week 2023, on the drivers of social acceptance for mining in the EU. This panel discussion will take place on 16th November, from 14:00 – 15:30 at the Marivaux Hotel in Brussels.

To continue developing a responsible mining sector in Europe, we must foster strong and collaborative relations with between all stakeholders. These relationships must be based on accountability, respect for sustainability standards, and open communication, among other factors. If successful, this will help industry to ensure projects are in line with communities’ expectations, while responding to society’s demands for resilient supply of critical raw materials.

To address this question, EU policymakers have set targets for domestic sourcing of CRMs. However, for this to become a reality, more must be done to answer the legitimate concerns of communities in mining regions. On a continent where most people have not experienced significant mining for several decades, and where the sector is associated with harmful practices, it is logical that support for new projects is lowJoin us for a side event to the Raw Materials Week, where we will bring together industry, civil society, and policy makers for an open and honest conversation on the past, present and future of a sustainable and inclusive European mining sector.

17 November 2023

Automotive raw material circularity: challenges and opportunities
17/11/23, 9:30-13:00
Le Plaza Hotel Brussels; Room Versailles

This workshop aims to address the primary challenges confronting the automotive industry concerning raw materials while also showcasing new circularity solutions as opportunities to overcome these challenges. It will feature the participation of key stakeholders from the automotive sector, including car and car part manufacturers, technology providers, certification entities and research institutions.

12 December 2023

How can microorganisms contribute to a responsible mining future? A discussion about the environmental and social impacts of bioleaching
12/12/23, 17:00 CET (Brussels time) / 11:00 GMT+4 (Canadian time),
Online event


The mining industry plays a crucial role in providing the raw materials that drive our modern world. However, traditional mining practices often come with substantial environmental and social impacts that are not to be underestimated. Environmental implications include deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, and significant greenhouse gas emissions while social implications can involve challenges such as labour issues and displacement of communities. In the pursuit of transitioning towards a more responsible mining future, our BIORECOVER project turns to bioleaching, a biotechnological approach that has emerged as a promising alternative. Bioleaching employs microorganisms to extract valuable minerals. By focusing on microorganisms' unique abilities, bioleaching offers several advantages that promise to transform the landscape of mining practices. Essentially, bioleaching offers the potential to extract minerals from deposits with lower concentrations of metal, and from mining waste streams. This is a significant advantage as it reduces the necessity for extensive mining operations, reduces hazardous waste, and addresses the challenge of diminishing ore quality. Ultimately, this approach helps reduce our reliance on traditional mining practices, while providing valuable materials for the energy transition.


Organised by the BIORECOVER project, this event "How Can Microorganisms Contribute to a Responsible Mining Future?" aims to explore the potential of bioleaching in transforming the mining sector into an environmentally responsible and socially conscious industry that address the impact of mining. The goal is to discuss with experts about the potential benefits and challenges of bioleaching for a responsible mining future.

More events coming soon